Sunday, September 20, 2009

Malaysian food!! What's ours will be ours|!

Well well well... finally someone has spoken up!! I am tired of telling people that the famous belacan is not from Singapore, and that the coconut rice package that they sell in the stores in Chinatown is not Singaporean either but Malaysian. It's frustrating when we go to some of the Restaurants and they serve Singaporean noodle and laksa but... not MALAYSIAN NOODLE OR LAKSA. Has this ever happen to any Malaysians abroad out there??? Well, Winnipeg is a small city but to find your own hometown products being sold in other country's labels is absurd! I was quite insulted, when I asked the owner of the store near my home if they have Malaysia's belacan instead of Singapore's Belacan.... the answer is "Isn't it the same? Malaysia used to belong to Singapore right?? It's all from the same place" Oh!!! HeloOoo...?? I have tried to be patient with such people because hey, it is a big world, and there are many countries out there with many complicated histories that go waYyy back. I've even been asked 10 years ago when I first came here if we in Malaysia still lives on trees. The answer is yes!! we do it with style! We love to preserve our local ethnic cultures and beauty and the answer is also no not every one of us live on trees and if we do, we will think that that's a cool think to do. Malaysian government has been depending on the locals in Malaysia to educate the tourists about Malaysia over the years. We are not much in the news or limelights besides those pirate news that we occasionally hear on NBC, ABC or CBC. Really...................................... I love my Malaysian food. The first think I've tried to do when I took my in laws for the first time to Kuala Lumpur is to introduce them to the food haven in Malaysia. Oh yes..... have I even mention that the famous Malaysia Satay sauce is even sold under a different country's label here in Canada? It's sad,.. why don't anyone know much about my home? Don't Malaysians who live abroad talk about Malaysia? Mind you there are not many of us around so I think it's about time the Malaysian government do something about promoting MALAYSIA. Even our smaller neighbors are more popular.... Anyway, kudos to our tourism minister for her recent remarks. Here's what Yen Yen said.

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