Wednesday, August 19, 2009

How did this happen?

Rewind, rewind! As far as I remember it, extra curricular activities were mandatory back in the days when I was in elementary school back in Malaysia. It was fun, in fact we all compete with one another to participate. There maybe some kids out there who are wondering if we are from out of space, but truthfully, that's the most enjoyable part of my childhood! We have lots to juggle between schoolwork and extra activities such as language clubs, life-skills clubs, scouts, brownies, etc.... but we somehow manage. I guess without the X-BOX, Wii, and PS1, 2 AND 3, we crave for fun activities besides sitting in front of the tv or doing 300 math exercises a week. A typical Malaysian kid grown in the late 70's and early 80's would probably remember the home practices that we have in our schools when we spent hot evenings doing high jumps, long jumps and distance runs. Whatever happen to those activities today??? Here I am, sitting in front of my computer, and reading about slimming spas for elementary school kids in Malaysia! It sounded almost unbelievable to me. Whatever happen to mandatory sports practice after school, and the annual marathons that almost 100% of the schools in Malaysia would have? I must be missing a lot here being thousands of miles across the ocean. So, obesity have hit hard indeed, in Malaysia. I must still be living in "ga-ga" world to still think that I am FAT in Malaysia after having to always go for the LARGE or X-LARGE sizes there while I can fit into a size 6 here. Why am I surprise? I know I should not even be because obesity IS a worldwide issue, almost a global pandemic so why should Malaysia be left out, right? If all the kids are getting bigger, why aren't the Malaysian kids?? (My sarcasm). Perhaps children no longer appreciate the exercises in the hot Malaysian climate ( but mind you, I always think that's the best way to exercise!). They prefer air-conditioner room and hate the sweat. I may still live in "zaman kuno" (Malay for ancient times) for I think having air-conditioned classrooms in Malaysia is just a waste of money and totally unhealthy! I never had such luxury as a kid. Do I complain about the heat when I go home for holidays? Yes I do, but that doesn't mean that I will lock myself in an air-conditioned room all day. Taking a walk in the sun makes my skin healthier and the humidity felt so good (trust me, it's better than dry heat). So, what's wrong with the kids these days that they need to go to slimming camps and spas???? Aren't plain eating healthy, sleep well, and play healthy under the sun enough? The Malaysian government has been campaigning hard enough to combat childhood obesity. In fact, I have found some very good websites that give pretty good information about eating healthy and living a healthy lifestyle. Here are some: Nutriweb Obese children diet (in Bahasa Melayu) MASO (Malaysia Association for the Study of Obesity)

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