Sunday, February 06, 2005

Chinese New Year

A few years ago, Chinese New Year was still a big deal. Canadian experience thought me to dim it a little over the years. This is the 5th year without a real CNY celebration. Well, I am afraid that some traditions may have slowly crept to the unconscious part of my memory. DO I miss it? OH yea! Lots, but it takes lot more work to celebrate it these days. Is stress, work, and more work a good reason to be forfeiting the thousand-year-old tradition? Guilt seeps in. Mum called two days back,"How are you celebrating it this year?" "Erm... ma, I have presentation and papers due that day. Cannot really do it" "Oh, so? Got any new clothes?" "Ma...... I am really busy". Silent. More guilt. It made me feel worst when I am packing my bags and head off to NY in 5 days. "Why not come home?", mum asked. "I wish, ma but you know I can't. Not now. I want to spend more time at home, and 5 days is not worth it for a 22 hr flight". "Oh, well okay then. Take care and remember to do something on Chinese New Year. Don't say bad things or throw tantrum okay? It is not auspicious". "Yes ma, love u... talk to you after my paper before I go to NY". Click. I wonder, how my mum look like when she was talking to me on the other end. Will I feel better knowing that she is fine with the whole thing? Or otherwise. It might turn out to be a nightmare for me tonight. Ah! How I wish I could warp home in a sec. I could only keep it up and smile now. At least, that would keep her worries away (hopefully).