Friday, December 31, 2004

Home, cakes, crumbles and cries

I was in the mall on Boxing day when it my cell rang. A voice in the other end went "Dear, where are your family holidaying this Christmas?" "The Borneo, what happen?" "Something bad has happened in Indonesia and many people died in Thailand, India and Malaysia" "Oh.." That was my best expression. Mom and family was suppose to fly back to Kuala Lumpur that morning. What could have happened? My stomached coiled and I began to feel squirmy feeling from within. I have to know if everyone is safe. Whatever that had happen is serious enough to trigger calls and.... so many nations are involved? When I finally got home and glued myself in front of the computer monitor, tears just rolled down. Could this be a sign of appocalypse? I finally got a message from my sister a few hours later informing me that everyone was fine at home. The heavy barrel inside was lifted. Messages slowly start to pour in from friends all over who expressed concerns; those who informed about their safety also expressed gratitude. I washed off the crumbles on the baking plate. The sight of the crumbles floating on the water sents shivers once again. "Oh my God" I cried silently. It was holiday, and supposedly a Holy Day for many when the tragedy took place. Prayers were repeated inside my head. For those who'd loss their love ones, I hope they be recovered. For those who'd survived, I pray that strength will continue to surge from within, and the will to live and fight on allows them to go through this challenging moment. The death toll of one shocking tragedy of 2004 as of Dec 31, was around 150,000. Did I spend my last day of the year in tears? Laughter? Neither. I call it a beginning of hope, and grateful that my love ones are still around to continue as my inspiration in life. I wish this new year and years that follow it will be pathed in a gentler manner. My boyfriend called this a tragic century. I beg to differ. The century has just begun, not ending. Miracles still continue to happen in the midst of all the cries. Optimism.... my dear And to all, may love encircles the self, the others and the together. Happy New Year.

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